Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our 8 second ride

Tuesday night we all slipped into our cowboy boots and hats and headed up to the Spanish Fork Rodeo. After choking down a hamburger and corn on the cob we made our way down to the rodeo grounds, well about a mile from the rodeo grounds where we finaly found a parking spot. Once in Tanner was having a great time he loved all the excitement and animals. About 20 minuets Ash and Trav were out with a screaming Julia, and Tanner lasted another 20 min and then he was done. Our dad is so sweet to treat us all to the night, and you have to realize you have to do stuff like that even if it is not the easiest thing it makes great family memories. Its was good to see my grandpa and although we didn't make it to the buzzer the other 7 seconds at the Fiesta Days Rodeo was a great time.


A New Life Student said...

Well I guess the rodeo was a bust this year!! I think we should have known better. At least Tanner looked so dang cute as a cowboy!