Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Funny Little Boy

In the last month or so Tanner has started talking so much more. The more he talks the more I find myself laughing out loud at the funny things he says and does. Some of his favorite lines are...
"Oh my goodness"
"Oh bees" He says this when something is broken or if he spills or drops something.
"Oh man" He learned this from grandpa Couvillon.
"GO TIGERS" That's LSU tigers, and he learned this from grandpa Couvillon also.

He is so much like his daddy its unbelievable. Glen and I are amazed at his little personality, and man does he have a personality hes our little clown.

The other day I let the girls (our dogs) out to potty in their dog run. Tanner loves to let them out and then tell them "go on girls go tee tee". Well I was surprised when he followed the dogs took off diaper and went tee tee in the dog run with the girls.

Yesterday he came running in my room with his little basketball and he was saying "mom hangnail" I thought it was just another moment we had to get out the clippers and go over each nail very carefully and make sure everything was just so. I was surprised when he held up his ball and i saw a small I mean small piece of plastic sticking up around one of the seams. As I tried not to laugh at how serious the situation was, I followed him as he made a mad dash to the drawer and pulled out finger clippers a file and went to work. This major project kept my very active two year old busy for the next half hour and man did i get a lot done. Who would have thought a basketball hangnail does the trick. :)


Trish said...

I love the tee tee story! If he does that again, you have got to get a picture!!